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Vannpumpemodell: for vifteremdrift  
Material vannpumpevingehjul: metall  
Ribbeantall: 3  
Tilleggsvare /tilleggsinfo: med tetning  
Teknisk informasjon
Vent the cooling system according to manufacturer's
Drain as much coolant as possible. Dirt particles are
from the cooling system together with the coolant.
SKF always recommends flushing the cooling system
before installing a new coolant pump
to avoid pre-damaging the new coolant pump.
Use a vacuum tool to fill the cooling system
never reuse the old coolant. Contaminants are flushed out
with the coolant and should not be refilled into the cooling
system. In addition, the additives contained in the coolant
evaporate after a while. Therefore, always use new coolant!
Do not start the engine without coolant as there is a high
risk of damaging the sensitive dynamic seal of water pump

Om Autokatalogen | Spørsmål og svar
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Kontakt Oslo: KGK Norge AS, Strømsveien 177, 0664 OSLO